Make your own Jigsaws, T-Shirts etc

Although there is a lot of merchandise available for Bagpuss and the Clangers, there isn't so much available for the other characters, so I thought it would be a good idea to let you make your own.

Kodak in the UK have a service that allows you to upload a high resolution image, and have it printed on a t-shirt, jigsaw etc.

All you have to do is click on one of the thumbnail images (not the mug) below, which will take you to the high resolution version, and you can right click on the picture and save it to your machine - alternatively, right click on the thumbnail image and select "Save target as..." or whatever it is in your browser.

Once you have downloaded the image, just go to the Print@Kodak page, and follow the instructions.

If you do go ahead and do this, e-mail me at and let me know.

James Petry has done just that, and here is a picture of his mug

kodak-mug.jpg (21689 bytes)

noggin_1_thumb.jpg (18915 bytes)

ivor_1_thumb.jpg (19847 bytes)

noggin_2_thumb.jpg (15367 bytes)

ivor_2_thumb.jpg (29662 bytes)
